Questions & Answers (F.A.Q)

Why free cards?

Why am I sending 1,000 free Cards with a message of Love?

It is simply something that I am passionate about; as long as I can recall, my goal in life has been to be the very best that I can be. Since I do believe that love is the strongest connection to our existence, my intention became to "generate love."

For quite a while, every time I've asked myself how I could focus on love and radiate more into the world, one idea that would keep coming up was to “make and mail cards to as many people as I can.”

Then I realized that I'd like to discover how doing such would have an effect on my goal. "How will I feel and "be" after I send out 1,000 love cards?"

Perhaps too, that whoever sends a card through this website, will also focus on love, even just for that moment, and some of those receiving a card may pick up on a positive vibe.

That's me (1), plus sender (2), plus receiver (3) times 1,000 cards.. equals an opportunity to generate 3,000 moments of love.

So I finally decided to just do it. It’s what I can do; because I can make cards, and create a website. I can afford to produce and send 1,000 cards.

Once I meet my first goal, I really would like to do send another 1,000 cards. And another. We’ll see how it goes.

If you’re interested in my progress, sign up for the newsletter.

Thank you so very much for being a "Message of Love" Card sender, from all my heart, I sincerely appreciate you. Please let me know, how would you generate love?

Check this out; here's a short video explaining why!

Why is the sender anonymous on the free cards?

First, it provides the sender the opportunity to generate love to someone they may not know, or have had a difference of opinion about something. Secondly, It leaves ego out of the picture; it is a higher form of giving. There is no expectation of how the recipient appreciates the gift, it simplifies the joy in giving. Lastly, the mystery of who the sender was, may amplify the message.

To who should I send a card and how many can I send?

Whether you know someone who is feeling down, or someone who is feeling great; I think most everyone could appreciate a message of love. 

There is no limit to how many cards you can send.

How did "Generate Love" originate?

During deep meditation one can feel vibrations. Many years ago when I discovered this, the word "generator" came to mind and I thought, "Ah! I am a generator! I can "generate:" Peace, and Joy, Compassion, Gratitude and most of all, Love.

Does this page represent any specific religion or spiritual following?

It does not. This page has been created by one individual, for other individuals who understand the importance of spreading love throughout the world.

You are welcome to read more about Karen Anna Ez (website owner) on the About Ez page.

Will the address(es) that I provide you be kept confidential?

Yes! Any website that sells products or services will collect addresses. GenerateLove.World has no intention of distributing, selling nor abusing any information that is provided.

How soon after I place the order will my free card be mailed out?

Although this certainly depends on how many orders are received, batches are printed and prepped so they're ready to mail. You will be notified once your card has been stamped and sent out.

Where will the Free Cards be mailed from?

Each will have a postmark from Volcano, Hawai'i

Can I help, offer ideas or even send you a donation?

When you leave this page, perhaps thoughts and ideas will tingle inside your head. How might you Generate Love? Please share your thoughts!

Do you have other ideas to Generate Love?

Yes. I have been working on "breathing love," and how to replace frustrations (etc.) with "sending out love."

There are more videos to make, more items to create, more to express, more to share. For updates on the Free Cards and anything else worthwhile for generating love, please sign up for an occasional newsletter, subscribe to my YouTube channel and join me on Facebook (links above).

More questions? Please ask Ez!